Top 10 Museums in Cusco | TreXperience
Cusco, the ancient capital of the Inca Empire, is famous not only for its stunning ruins and rich Andean history, but also for hosting some of Peru's most fascinating museums. These cultural sites offer a journey into the region's past and a deep ins…
Estefany Raquel
Waqrapukara Cusco | TreXperience
If you're considering a unique destination on Earth, Waqrapukara should definitely be on your list. This historical and cultural monument is an exceptional showcase of the process of civilization in the southern Andean region. It features expressions…
Ayde Pedraza
Tipon Cusco Peru | TreXperience
Tipon is one of Peru’s most impressive yet least visited archaeological sites. Located just 27 kilometers east of Cusco, Tipon stands as a remarkable testament to Inca hydraulic engineering, with agricultural terraces reaching skyward and sophisticat…
Estefany Raquel
Ballestas Islands travel guide | TreXperience
When we think of must-see destinations in Peru, images of Machu Picchu or the Nazca Lines often come to mind. However, along the southern coast of Peru lie the Ballestas Islands, an archipelago that never fails to amaze visitors with its incredible b…
Estefany Raquel